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Blog Traffic Tips: 20 Ideas For Putting Your Blog On The Map

These 20 blog traffic tips will give you the essential knowledge you need to help your audience find your blog.

Have strong content. No matter how people find you, your content is what will keep them coming back for more.

1. Write something new. Even if it’s from your archives, make sure you bring a fresh perspective to the world of blogging. Whether you tackle an obscure subject or a popular one, it’s vital to have a unique angle.

2. Post often. Post once a day when you are a new blogger. The content of the internet is constantly updated, so constantly updating your content will give it legitimacy. Let people know that your blog is a reliable information source.

3. Be consistent. Once your blog is established you can decrease your posting to 3-5 times a week, but don’t drop below that! Consistency is key in frequency and in voice.

5. Post pictures, videos, and links. Not only will this make your content richer, but it will increase your SEO (search engine optimization) rating.

5. Post pictures, videos, and links. This will add to the richness of your content, and also increase its SEO (search engine optimization) rating.

1. Start following other blogs in your niche, if you aren’t already. If you have a comment, post it! Their followers will become yours in no time.

2. Encourage comments. Newbies judge a blog as much by the amount of comments as by the actual content, if not more. Think about what you look for when you go to a new blog. So make sure there are comments! Engage your readers. Always ask questions. And if you want some extra insurance, talk your non-blogging friends into adding comments. No one will know the difference.

3. Host a contest. Reward your loyal followers and gain some new ones by offering a contest related to your theme. This is especially helpful if you have a product you’d like to promote. Promotional giveaway of your first book, anyone?

4. Exchange links. Find a website which shares your niche and participate in a link exchange.

4. Make contact with websites in your field, and exchange links.

5. Use social marketing tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

1. Go to Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn Answers, and start answering questions.

2. Join online communities and forums, and join in the discussion.

3. Write articles for EzineArticles, Helium, or another online article source.

3. Write articles and submit them to an online article source like EzineArticles or Helium. Include a blurb explaining who you are and giving your blog address at the bottom4. Create a Squidoo lens. Use Squidoo to share your knowledge, and draw people back to your blog.

5. Write a book, and publish it online. When you’ve been blogging for a while, you can’t help but to gather a great amount of content: content which can be transformed into a book with a bit of effort. With self publishing, you have no excuse not to legitimize yourself with an ebook.

Promote your blog offline. It’s amazing how many potential readers there are right in your own community. Although you don’t have to promote offline, this innovative tactic can have some surprising returns if you do your research first.

1. Enlist your friends. Whatever you blog about make sure they know to casually mention your url whenever the subject comes up. “You’re interested in raising exotic animals? Well, there’s this great blog…”

2. Find your niche in their offline hangout. Where do your readers go when they aren’t online? The coffee shop, a park, school, the mall, the grocery store? Find out where they are, hunt them down, and engage them! Bonus if you can infiltrate their place of business.

3. Make experts and leaders your allies. Get doctors to recommend your recipe blog to patients on your special diet. Get professors to recommend your blog about your sociology thesis. People will listen.

4. Put up fliers.

5. Read aloud from your blog at an open mic night. If you don’t mind public speaking, this can be a great tool, especially for a blog with a creative bent.

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